To educate, empower and engage the Latino caregiver of Alzheimer’s and Memory Disorders family members by providing skill building training, and compassionate support programs.
“Supporting caregivers, protecting our loved ones, diminishing Alzheimer’s in its tracks.”
Between 2008 and 2030 the Latino population aged 65 years and older will increase by 224% compared to the 64% increase for the Caucasian population aged 65 and older.
Latinos face a higher risk of Alzheimer's disease because they are living longer and have higher rates of cardiovascular risk factors, including diabetes, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure. In 2012, 15.4 million caregivers provided an estimated 17.5 billion hours of unpaid care, valued at more than $216 billion. According to the National Institutes of Health, Latinos make up less than one percent of clinical trial participants, despite making up 17 percent of the population.
LAMDA has to date reached out to over 4,500 Latinos in more than 20 communities through face-to-face programming in New York, California, Illinois, Maryland, and Florida.
Alzheimer’s is not part of the age, but could be part of your family -- be informed.
1% of the NIH-funded clinical trial participants are Latino, even though Latinos make up 17% of the U.S. population.
1.5 times
A Latino is 1.5 times more likely to get Alzheimer’s than a non-Latino white.
3.5 million
3.5 million Latinos are projected to be living with Alzheimer’s by 2060.
Meet Maria, a journey of love
An Urgent Epidemic
An Urgent Epidemic
Chicago Tribune - Alzheimer's in Latinos expected to increase by more than 800%.
Hoy - Cómo un grupo de niños de Chicago ayuda a preservar las historias de los abuelos enfermos
NCLR - National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month: Spotlight on LAMDA
BuzzFeed News - A New Focus On Alzheimer’s In Latino Community As Numbers Set To Skyrocket
AlzLive - Latino Americans Unite Against Alzheimer's
Perspectivas Latinas - Latino Alzheimer's Alliance
LaOpinion - LatinosAgainstAlzheimers defends your brain
NBC News - Danzon Therapy: Latinos Waltz to Ward Off Alzheimer's
Autumn Leaves - Latino's Waltz to Ward Off Alzheimer's
Us Against Alzheimer's - A Latino Family's Experience with Alzheimer's
American Renaissance - Alzheimer’s Exacts a Heavy Toll Among Latinos